10 June 2010

Wedding Nightmares

Judging by some of my recent dreams, my subconscious is really getting caught up in wedding planning. Luckily I find the results amusing rather than scary!

The day of the wedding was drawing to a close, and all of the important parts were over. Unfortunately I’d developed amnesia and couldn't remember any of it…

I hired someone to organise some dancing as entertainment, and it turned out to be an over the top extravaganza complete with chorus lines, acrobatics, fireworks and special effects. I realised that I’d never discussed budget and had just doubled the cost of the wedding.

I arrived at the ceremony to find that all the female guests had decided to ignore the guideline of not wearing white to a wedding. And they’d taken it a step further by wearing their own wedding dresses...

And about once a week I dream that we've completely forgotten to make ceremony arrangements with the celebrant, and have no idea what we’re going to say! I guess I should get in touch with her and start getting things sorted.


  1. I always have weird stress dreams. Right now, all my friends are pregnant. I have no desire to have children whatsoever, but I keep having dreams that I suddenly realize I'm 8 months along. :P

  2. number three, oh gosh. haha.one of my friends has a recurring nightmare that she's at her own wedding, getting ready to walk down the aisle, and she can't remember who she's marrying.
